this bridge in cologne has padlocks locked to the fence across the entire length. they all have messages on them, mostly confessions of love.
view from the rear of equestrian statue of emperor wilhelm I in the town Koblenz, south of cologne. i traveled here to catch a ride down into the scenic rhine valley towards mainz but missed the bloody boat!
while exploring koblenz i stumbled upon this strange fountain tucked away in a small courtyard. i was the only person in the courtyard and stood for a minute staring at the scrawny boy atop the fountain, wondering how and why he got there. he, i decided, was picture-worthy. as i adjusted the zoom on my camera i suddenly heard the sound of splashing water and felt something on my feet. looking up i saw a 15-foot stream of water flying at me from the boy's mouth. it completely caught me by surprise. i spun around to see if anyone had seen this happen and also to check if someone had a remote device and was having a chuckle behind a pillar somewhere.
didn't see the sun in koblenz until the late afternoon but it was well worth the wait.
the picture of the locks is beautiful