Monday, October 19, 2009

i want some webbed feet. or wings. anything really...

tonight on the BBC my grandparents and i watched and thoroughly enjoyed the 2nd part of attenborough's new series, LIFE. in all my days i have never seen such impressive camerawork. watching while, in slow motion, the beads of water jump from the basilisk lizard's feet i suddenly thought of a world champion figure skater. i'm not sure if that really compares but, you know, i imagined something with exemplary elegance.

i understand that of all the creatures on this earth, humans are probably the most impressive in what they can achieve both physically and mentally. but sometimes i wish that what set us apart within the species had evolved into something more exciting. i know that i'd much rather be categorized by an amazing trick that, like some of our neighboring creatures,, CRUSHED all logic and reason. how about, instead of differing in skin color, temperament or religion, we each were given physical abilities that made us unique? maybe i could stay underwater for up to 6 hours, for example. perhaps you're able to leap 30 feet from one branch to another. (is this is how the x-men concept started?)

anyway, for those who've always dreamed of being something more sensational than a well-developed chimp, this one's for you. nature never ceases to surprise.

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