Saturday, February 13, 2010

speak more clearly

granada: tom needs to do laundry, desperately. having left the farm i am now in transition, slowly morphing back into a respectable looking human (this is possible i keep telling myself). folks where iḿ staying dont know where the closest laundromat is and so i venture out to find one alone.

i stumble upon an office de turismo and decide to ask there. i attempt to ask en espagnol but realize i dont know the word for laundry. so i substitute the word laundry, albeit quietly, and smile :) she smirks back at me and circles a street, la paz, on my free map. so i go on my merry way to find the laundromat.

following her directions i reach la paz and make my way down the narrow street, keeping an eye out for the laundromat. i cant find the laundromat. then it suddenly comes to my attention that all of the shops on the street are selling lingerie.

the spanish word for laundry is lavanderia.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

heaven. portugal.

currently working on a farm in south portugal. 8 km from lagos in the algarve. i'm here with chris and mike, both philly cats. we live in a small cottage that is primitive and rather rough around the edges but it feels like home. our days are spent out in the fields pruning olives trees and clearing brush or in the vegetable garden weeding and getting dirty. i love it. we work hard, eat well and take our time.

the garden

chris playing in the cottage


our cottage
